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- Topics
- Introduction ..................1
- Making a Backup Diskette ......1
- How to Play Solitaire .........2
- Layout of the Cards .........2
- Object of the Game ..........2
- Rules of the Game ...........2
- Starting the Game .............3
- Playing SOLITAIRE on
- the PC ........................4
- Set Game Options ..............6
- Cheat? ......................6
- Sound? ......................6
- Show Last Play? .............6
- Set Display Type ..............7
- Set Color Choices .............7
- Cheating ......................8
- Quitting the Game .............9
- 1
- Introduction~
- ------------
- In the card game Solitaire, it's you
- alone against Lady Luck. You deal the
- cards and take your chances.
- In the computer game SOLITAIRE, your
- PC acts as dealer and confidant. It
- deals the cards and you take the
- chances, but you're not alone.
- For those of us who believe in being
- able to "bend the rules" a little when
- we get stuck, SOLITAIRE provides a few
- "special" options.
- Making a Backup Diskette~
- ------------------------
- It is important to make a backup copy
- of your SOLITAIRE diskette in case
- your original diskette is lost or
- damaged. You can make only one copy.
- If you are reading this documentation
- on your display, press Esc twice to
- return to the menu and select option 4
- (Make a Backup Diskette). Follow the
- instructions displayed on the screen.
- If you are reading this documentation
- on paper, insert your SOLITAIRE
- diskette in drive A and make A your
- current drive. Type:
- g
- and press Enter. Select option 4
- (Make a Backup Diskette) and follow
- the instructions on the screen.
- Label the new copy "SOLITAIRE Backup"
- and use it when you play SOLITAIRE.
- Store the original diskette in a safe
- place.
- 2
- How to Play Solitaire~
- ---------------------
- There are many different Solitaire
- games and many versions of each. The
- rules used in this game, the Klondike
- version, are given below.
- Layout of the Cards~
- The cards are dealt into a row of
- seven piles called the "tableau." The
- first card is dealt face up to begin
- pile 1, then six cards are dealt face
- down beside it, each starting a new
- pile. The next card is dealt face up
- to pile 2, followed by five cards
- dealt face down to piles 3 through 7.
- The next card is dealt face up to pile
- 3, and so on.
- When the deal is complete, each of the
- seven piles has one "up" card (face up
- on the top) and from zero to six
- "down" cards (face down under the up
- card).
- Object of the Game~
- The object of Solitaire is to play all
- of the cards to the four piles in the
- aces area known as the "foundations."
- If you are able to play all of the
- cards to the foundations, you win;
- otherwise, you lose.
- Rules of the Game~
- As the ace for each suit turns up, it
- can be played to the aces area. Then,
- as the 2 for that suit turns up, it
- can be played on the ace, the 3 on the
- 2, and so on. Each of the four piles
- (one for each suit) must be built in
- sequential order and can contain only
- cards of the same suit.
- The cards in the deck are turned over
- either one, two, or three cards at a
- 3
- time, depending on which game you
- choose to play. These face-up cards
- form the "talon." The only card of
- the talon that is available to be
- played at any given time is the top
- one.
- Cards from the talon can be played to
- the tableau piles to form "columns."
- Each card must be one less in rank and
- the opposite color of the one onto
- which it is played. For example, a
- black 8 (the 8 of clubs or the 8 of
- spades) from the talon would be played
- on a red 9 (the 9 of hearts or the 9
- of diamonds) in the tableau.
- Columns can also be built using the up
- cards from another tableau pile.
- Parts of columns cannot be moved from
- one tableau column to another.
- If the up card or column of a tableau
- pile is moved and there are down cards
- remaining in the pile, the down card
- on top is turned over. If there are
- no more down cards in the pile, a king
- from the talon or another tableau
- column can be moved to fill the space.
- Play continues until the entire deck
- has been played to the aces area or
- until no more plays can be made.
- Starting the Game~
- -----------------
- If you are reading this documentation
- on your display, press Esc twice to
- return to the menu and select option 1
- (Play "SOLITAIRE").
- If you are reading this documentation
- on paper, insert your SOLITAIRE
- diskette in drive A and make A your
- current drive. Type:
- g
- and press Enter. Select option 1
- (Play "SOLITAIRE").
- The first screen asks you what type of
- display you are using. Press the
- number shown before the type of
- display you have. For example, if you
- 4
- are using the IBM Color Display, press
- 1 (RGB Monitor). Press F1 if you need
- help.
- The next screen is the Main Menu.
- Press either 1, 2, 3, or 4. The four
- different games are based on how many
- cards are turned over from the deck to
- the talon at a time and how many times
- you are allowed to go through the deck
- during each game. For example, game 1
- (Turn 1, single-pass) lets you turn
- one card over at a time and lets you
- go through the deck only once. Game 3
- (Turn 2, multi-pass) lets you turn two
- cards over at a time and lets you go
- through the deck as many times as you
- want.
- Playing SOLITAIRE on the PC~
- ---------------------------
- After you select a game, the computer
- shuffles the cards and deals the
- tableau. The piles of the tableau are
- labeled B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. The
- numbers below these labels show how
- many down cards are in each pile.
- To turn cards over from the deck to
- the talon, press the Spacebar. When
- the deck is empty, press the Spacebar
- again to turn the talon back over to
- the deck (if you are playing a multi-
- pass game).
- To move a card or a column, press the
- highlighted letter above the card (B
- through H for a tableau pile or T for
- the talon) and it will be moved to
- the correct column. If there is more
- than one place to play the card, you
- are asked where you want it played.
- Press the highlighted letter above the
- tableau pile or A for the aces area.
- Aces are automatically played to the
- aces area, as are twos if the ace of
- its suit has already been played, when
- you press the highlighted letter above
- their columns.
- 5
- The box on the left side of the screen
- shows the available functions. They
- are:
- o Help
- Press F1 to get help on how to move
- cards.
- o Cheat
- This option appears only if you
- have chosen to have the cheating
- options available (see the section
- "Cheat?"). Press F2 to use the
- special cheating options.
- o Auto
- This option appears if you have
- reached a point where it is obvious
- you are going to win. If you want
- SOLITAIRE to automatically play the
- remaining cards for you, press F3.
- o Deal
- Press F9 to start a new game of the
- same type you are now playing.
- o Menu
- Press Esc to return to the Main
- Menu.
- If you press Esc accidentally in
- the middle of a game, press F10 to
- return to the current game.
- Selecting any of the items on the
- Main Menu, except for option 5 (Set
- game options), causes the current
- game to be erased. A prompt
- reminds you of this and asks if you
- want to continue with that option.
- 6
- Set Game Options~
- ----------------
- When you are at the Main Menu, press 5
- to change any of the following
- options.
- Cheat?~
- Pressing 1 switches between the
- responses "No," "Not now," and "Yes."
- Leave the one you want displayed as
- the answer.
- If you select "Not now," the game is
- played normally until you go through
- the deck twice (or once if you are
- playing game 1) without playing any
- cards. Then, the message "Want to
- cheat now? (Y/N)" appears. Answer Y
- (for yes) or N (for no).
- See the section "Cheating" to find out
- what advantages cheating gives you.
- Sound?~
- You can choose to have the sound
- either on or off during the game.
- Pressing 2 switches between "Yes" and
- "No." Even if you choose to have the
- sound off, you will hear beeps when
- you press an incorrect key or try to
- play a card to a place it cannot be
- played.
- Show Last Play?~
- You can choose whether or not the last
- play you made is displayed at the
- bottom of the game screen. Pressing 3
- switches between "Yes" and "No."
- 7
- Set Display Type~
- ----------------
- When you are at the Main Menu, press 6
- to change the display on which you
- want to play SOLITAIRE. Then press
- the number shown before the type of
- display you want to use.
- Set Color Choices~
- -----------------
- This option appears only if you have a
- color display adapter in your PC.
- You can select most of the colors used
- in SOLITAIRE. Press 7 on the Main
- Menu to display a screen showing the
- colors you can change. Then press the
- number shown before each option to
- cycle through the possible colors
- until the one you want is displayed.
- To make sure you can always read
- everything on the screen, SOLITAIRE
- does not allow the foreground and
- background colors of a pair to be the
- same. For example, color 6 (Screen
- foreground) and color 7 (Screen
- background) cannot be yellow at the
- same time.
- Press Esc when you are finished.
- 8
- Cheating~
- --------
- When you elect to cheat, an extra
- option (Cheat) appears in the list of
- commands. Press F2 and the following
- commands become available:
- o Peek
- Press 1 to see the first down card
- in each pile.
- o Move
- Press 2 to move any available card
- or column to fill an empty tableau
- space. SOLITAIRE finds the first
- empty column and asks which card
- you want to place there. You do
- not need a king to fill the space.
- o Slip
- Press 3 to move a card from the
- talon and put it at the top of a
- tableau column. Notice that the
- card must still be one higher in
- rank and the opposite color of the
- top card of the column.
- o Burn
- Press 4 to turn the talon back over
- onto the deck and move its top card
- to the bottom. Notice that if you
- are playing a single-pass game,
- this enables you to go through the
- deck more than once.
- o Help
- Press F1 for a reminder of what
- these extra commands do.
- o Game
- Press Esc to return to the normal
- list of commands.
- 9
- Quitting the Game~
- -----------------
- To leave SOLITAIRE, press Esc until
- you return to the Main Menu. Then
- press Esc again.
- If you have changed any of the game
- options or colors, you are asked if
- you want to save them. Press Y or N.
- If you press Y, the options are
- automatically used the next time you
- play SOLITAIRE and select the same
- type of monitor.